The case for and against Bitcoin. Fintech and Financial Innovation. Spring 2021. IBA.
As someone who has been following the value school for two decades, getting comfortable with Bitcoin and crypto assets had been a challenge.
I was fortunate enough to run into Faisal Khan right about the time he was giving away Bitcoins to friends and family members about a decade ago. Unfortunately I don’t remember what I did with mine, or if Faisal gave me one or two or three or none.
But since then we have touched base every few months to talk about payments, fintech, Ed-tech, Goldilocks conditions, second chances, paying down debts and doing right by our students.
In order to prepare my IBA MS Finance students for Faisal’s lecture on payment systems and crypto assets, I put together a 90 minute lecture on the case for and against Bitcoin. I wanted to make sure that they were prepared enough to leave Faisal with a good impressions.
The lecture is mostly English but has some extended discussions in Urdu. Just a word of fair warning.
I thought some of you may find the discussion around dissecting the case for and against crypto assets interesting.